
1. 我是否必须是该区居民才有资格申请?
不,你不需要,但是所有的申请人都必须参加一个强制性的护理信息 在申请前会面,这可能会使居住在外面的人申请具有挑战性 我们地区的. 所有学生必须有一个有效的社会安全号码,并有资格 to work outside of campus.

2. Do you keep a waiting list?
We do not keep a waiting list. If an applicant is not accepted into the program, the applicant 必须 re-apply for the next selection 期.

3. Do you have a part-time or evening program?
不,护理课程是全日制课程,从周一到周五上课, occasionally there may be an evening assignment; or weekend clinical.

4. How long does the 护理 程序 take to complete?
It is two years or 4-semester program. No required courses are offered in the summer 会话.

5. 从开始学习先决条件到完成课程需要多长时间 general education courses to finishing the nursing curriculum?
如果你开始缓慢,每学期选一门科学课程,可能需要很长时间 六岁时. 如果你为了你的先决条件和一般条件而完成了大量的课程 每学期的教育要求,你可以在3年左右完成课程.

6. Can I work while I am in the program?
在参加护理课程期间,对工作没有限制. 然而, 不建议每周工作超过16小时,因为这会影响你的健康 success in the program. It is not advised to work on days in which classes or clinical experiences are assigned. 你 will not be permitted to leave early or arrive late to clinical or class. Limited scholarship money is available. Financial aid and low-cost loans are available please contact the Financial 援助 Office.

7. Is there a pre-test I need to take to qualify?
是的,年代学生将被要求参加并通过ATI基本学术考试 Skills) as part of the application process. Information about the test please see www.ATITesting.com

8. When can I submit an application for the 2-year program?
Applications are accepted 只有 from November 1st thru end of January of the application year. The application will be available through your Class-Web account. 你 first need to apply to “大学 to obtain a Chabot Student (W) number. Please follow the steps as outlined in Application 程序. 如果您是LVN或转学生,请参阅LVN- rn /高级 Standing for application procedures.

9. How do you select your students for the 2-year program?
符合资格要求的申请人将被择优录取 calculation (Criterion Score or Eligibility Worksheet). The top third of the merit 根据名单将进入抽签池,初步选出40名学生 和交替.

10. Can I bring my transcripts to you?
No, Do not send a copy to the 护理 程序 Office. 招生 and records will accept electronic transcripts. 你 必须 submit a copy of the request receipt with 您的应用程序.

11. How many students do you accept?

12. Do you have a Spring entry 期?
No. 该项目每年接受一次学生,为期两年的项目从年开始 秋季学期.

13. What are the prerequisites for applying to the 2-year program?

  1. 普通人体解剖学(BIOS 42),人体生理学(BIOS 43),微生物学(BIOS44)  (或同等课程)是三个科学课程的先决条件. 你只能赚取 one "C" in the three courses.  There is a seven (7) year recency on science courses 只有. 2025年秋季入学,您的课程必须在2018年8月1日之后完成
  2. 你 必须 complete four fixed education courses; English 1A, Sociology 1, Psychology 1 and Communications 1, or 10.
  3. All seven (7) pre-requisites 必须 be completed by December 31st. 如果你注册了 在秋季的课程中,你可以在1月份之后提交申请 Fall grades have been posted.

14. 我怎样才能知道我在另一所大学修的课程是否相同 to the courses at “大学?
夏伯特学院将在护理项目申请期间做出最终决定 期. 最好早点检查一下你的课程是否等同于夏博 大学课程. 向位于700楼楼上的总顾问寻求帮助 in determining course equivalencies. 咨询 appointments should be made well ahead 时间,因为咨询部门在一年中的某些时候非常忙. Or 你可以检查一下 www.协助.org for matching 课程. 等价图  

15. I took a combined Anatomy and Physiology course with a lab. 这算吗??
如果你只选了1门解剖学和生理学的综合课程,那就选一学期的课程吧 will not be 等效. 如果你参加了A/B的A部分,建议你完成 a 2nd 解剖学和生理学(B)课程与实验室在同一机构.  If 如果你选择去两所不同的学校,你可能会错过一个重要的联合课堂笔记 系统. 许多大学提供两个学期或三个季度的综合课程. 总顾问可以帮助你决定你的综合课程是否可以转学. 的课程 必须等效 of the Anatomy 1 and Physiology 1 at “大学.

16. 护理项目的人会帮我检查一下我的成绩单吗 我错过了什么?
护理项目办公室不能评估个人成绩单. 请寻找 总咨询部的协助,位于700楼楼上.  你 can call to make an appointment please check the 咨询网站.

17. I have a Bachelor’s Degree (or higher) from another college. 什么课程 count towards my AA in 护理?
Students with a bachelors degree or higher from a U.S. regionally accredited college/university are exempt from completing Chabot General Education. 你 are not exempt from the pre-requisite 课程. We do not substitute courses.

18. I was educated in another country. Will my 课程 transfer to “大学?
你需要对你完成的外国成绩单进行专业评估. 你可以从咨询部门获得一本小册子,上面解释了如何获得 the evaluation, or you may visit NACE. 评估不是简单的对课程的翻译,而是包含 仔细分析你在你的国家所修课程的实际内容 college or university. 

19. How much will the program cost?
两年制课程的费用大约是8500美元.00. 这包括 学费,书籍,制服,鞋子,医疗/牙科检查,课程内和 NCLEX-RN测试费用,以及背景调查/药物筛选许可. The advanced-standing student can expect to pay approximately $5000.00, inclusive of testing fees and background check/drug screen clearance.

20. Why do I have to have a background check?
医院现在要求所有护理专业的学生进行背景调查和药物检查 screen prior to coming to the hospital for clinical experience. The estimated one-time 成本是120美元.  注册护士委员会有一个基本的信息网络研讨会 申请人有刑事或纪律处分记录的资料; Applicant Enforcement Webinar

21 My 课程 is old. Do I have to re-take any classes?
从2024年秋季开始,夏博护理项目有7个 (7)任何护理计划的先决条件科学的最近一年的要求 当然只.

  • Fall 2025, AFTER 08/01/2018,
  • Fall 2024, AFTER 08/01/2017.

There is no recency for the fixed courses; English, Sociology, Psychology, or Communications 1 or 10.

22. What hospitals do you use for clinical experience?
医院包括凯撒圣莱安德罗,UCSF贝尼奥夫儿童医院奥克兰,圣. 玫瑰医院,三谷斯坦福健康系统,弗里蒙特医院,地区医疗 Center (this is not an exhaustive list). Students are assigned by the nursing faculty.

23. 你是否按照国际护士协会的要求为外国培训的护士讲授个别课程 BRN?
不,由于临床空间有限,我们不为注册护士培训提供个人课程 outside of the United States.

24. I have taken A/P course for the fixed 课程. Do you accept these courses and how do I calculate my GPA?
我们将接受带有官方A/P成绩单的课程作业 应用程序包. Most A/P course work is ranked 5 to 1 score. We will use the course as 3 units and 5 = A, 4 = B, 3 = C. If you score less than 3 on the testing we will not accept the courses as 等效. If you received Pass /No Pass as your score, the grade will be 3 units as a grade of C.