
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 咨询 或者参考电流 课程安排和学院目录.

ARCH 2A -建筑图形在绘图和素描    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to freehand and 机械ly constructed drawings employing orthographic, 轴侧 and linear perspective drawing systems to represent three-dimensional form and environments on two-dimensional surfaces. Emphasis on the understanding of basic drawing conventions, their implications and applications.

  1. Design and communicate solutions to introductory 环境 design problems through a variety of media for presentation.
  2. 发展建筑和徒手绘画技能
  3. 利用拼写, 轴侧, 斜, 用线性的视角来呈现存在的和想象的形式.

ARCH 2B -建筑图形的颜色渲染    ( 3.00 -单位)
Continuation of the content and issues introduced in 体系结构 2A plus the theories and methods for applying shadows, 反射, 材料, 随行人员, 并在各种绘图类型中着色. Layout and integration of composite drawings in support of the process and presentation of architectural designs.

  1.  Design and communicate solutions to introductory 环境 design problems through a variety of media for presentation.
  2. 进一步的设计, 组织, and communicate solutions to 环境 design problems through a variety of media for presentation.
  3. 进一步发展建筑和徒手绘画技能

设计和视觉交流的数字工具    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍数位工具与电脑辅助设计绘图. 能够在二维空间中有效地运用基本设计原则. 主题包括命令基础,包括绘图实体的创建和修改, 行业分层标准, 适合于建筑的文本和尺寸系统, 创建符号库, 外部参考技术, 模型和纸张空间命令, 以及绘图技巧.

  1. 识别适合计算机辅助设计制图的硬件使用和限制.
  2. 在多个视图和地块中选择合适的比例.
  3. Construct drawings using Digital software software and justify external reference files and images to drawings.
  4. 关注AIA(美国建筑师协会)标准层系统.
  5. 在多个视图和地块中选择合适的比例.

ARCH 4A -建筑制图原则1    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to 原则 and practice of architectural drafting with emphasis on working drawings for wood frame construction; introduction to drafting concepts and conventions for architectural working drawings, 基本建筑系统, 以及建筑中计算机辅助制图技术的应用.

  1. 确定住宅结构的基本要素, 电, 机械, 以及管道系统及其在施工文件中的应用.
  2. Identify reprographic options and system in computer-aided drafting standards as prescribed by the AIA (American Institute of architects)
  3. Incorporate basic Uniform 建筑 Code requirements to residential construction drawings.
  4. Use industry conventions to complete working drawings for a residential wood frame structure.

ARCH 4B -建筑制图原则II    ( 3.00 -单位)
Continuation of 体系结构 4A with emphasis on architectural working drawings for non-residential 建筑s with wood, 砌筑, 钢和混凝土结构. Application of advanced computer-aided drafting techniques for architectural construction documents will be reviewed, 电子/网络信息源的使用也将如此, 包括建筑图形标准, 糖果目录, 以及统一建筑规范.

  1. 具备在非住宅项目中使用统一建筑规范的能力;
  2. 确定并执行非住宅建筑的关键细节;
  3. use computer-aided drafting and internet resources for compiling non-residential construction documents,
  4. 使用行业惯例完成小型砖石工程的施工图, 钢, 混凝土, 木结构结构.

ARCH 8B -建筑设计基础II    ( 4.00 -单位)
架构8A中引入的内容和问题的延续. 强调产生和发展设计概念, 结合结构, 材料, 能量是决定形式的因素. 强调应用传统和数字图形通信工具, 包括比例模型来传达预期的概念和含义.

  1. 运用结构潜力和限制知识作为设计因素;
  2. 确定场地因素, 建筑设计中居住者的文化价值与以人为本的需求
  3. manipulate architectural elements to define form and space that support the communication of intended meanings and concepts;
  4. use both traditional and digital graphic and model 建筑 techniques to study design strategies.

ARCH 8A -建筑设计基础I    ( 4.00 -单位)
理论简介, 原则, 以及使用传统和数字媒体的建筑设计方法. Studio projects emphasize composing two- and three-dimensional organizations to convey intended concepts and meanings. 审美, 环境, 社会, 并对影响建筑设计的技术因素进行了探讨. 课程作业辅以讲座、讨论和阅读.

  1. 用图形、研究模型和口头表达提出的设计概念;
  2. 将理论、基本原则和技术融入设计;
  3. 操作和应用数字图像, 建筑设计过程中的插图和三维模型;
  4. use two and three dimensional composition drawings and design elements to solve given architectural problems.

ARCH 12 -建筑材料和方法    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to the methods and 材料 used in contemporary and historical 建筑 construction. 木, 钢, 砌筑, 并对混凝土结构体系进行探讨, 主要的内部和外部饰面系统也是如此. The relationships between occupancy and construction types will be reviewed as will the influence of 建筑 codes, 气候, 劳动力供给, 经济因素.

  1. 描述使用木材、钢材、砖石和混凝土的主要结构系统;
  2. 识别和评估各种内部和外部装修系统;
  3. 识别和解释建筑材料的行为、外观和使用;
  4. 了解建筑行业如何对建筑材料进行分类.

ARCH 14 -加州建筑与城市设计    ( 3.00 -单位)
California architecture and urban design from indigenous beginnings to the contemporary avant garde. 历史, 文化, and 环境 influences on the shaping California’s distinctive 建筑s and cities. Work reviewed ranges from anonymous adobes to historic masterpieces by Maybeck and Morgan to new works by Gehry, 莫斯, 和其他人.

  1. 比较从古典到后现代的主要建筑风格, 因为它们与加州有关;
  2. 描述规划基本原理以及它们如何影响建筑和城市设计;
  3. identify the work and design 原则 of California's leading architects and urban designers.

ARCH 16 -人与环境设计    ( 3.00 -单位)
Principles of landscape architecture emphasizing design concepts as they relate to site, 建筑, 以及客户需求. Includes site analysis, land use patterns, circulation, layout, planting 材料, irrigation. The general design process and outcome are examined in context of relationships between people and the environments, 自然的和人为的, 重点是可持续设计原则应用于被动环境控制, 景观, 功能性适应, 社会及经济影响, 整合他们对社区发展和城市规划的影响.

  1. 展示基本的景观设计原理和理论.
  2. 发展有关景观的基本技术知识.
  3. 通过小组解决问题培养合作能力.

建模中的数字通信    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍使用三维软件的三维数字建模. Emphasis on learning basic commands to create 3-dimensional objects including 建筑 interiors and exteriors, 用合适的光源来定义逼真的景色.

  1. 使用三维软件工具创建和修改对象.
  2. 定义和应用表面样式,适当地表示材料.
  3. Demonstrate the range of ways that 3-D software can be used in architectural design and presentations.
  4. 指定传达形式和空间质量的视图.

ARCH 80 -建筑教育与实践    ( 2.00 -单位)
Architectural education and practice in 体系结构 department setting approved by 体系结构 faculty as related to student’s architecture major or classes at Chabot. Cooperative effort between student and instructor or architecture firm supervisor to accomplish agreed upon work objectives, 完成项目,拓宽经验. Student provides verification of service experience or work on projects during the term. Students will get an architecture firm approved by architecture faculty or work on projects closely with instructor. Students will meet with architecture instructor for input and hands-on experience lectures and discussion focused on architecture firm structures, 项目程序, 设计的发展, 规范书和施工文件.

  1. 应用 and refine skills learned in the classroom to an architecture firm where those skills may be demonstrated.
  2. 应用教育能力, 成熟度, 个性, 行为, 对工作的态度, 人际关系, 并确定可能需要更改的区域.
  3. 培养对职业机会的理解, 工作要求, 雇主的期望, 以及建筑公司的宣传要求.
  4. Demonstrate enhanced management skills through the establishment and achievement of learning and performance goals related to architecture occupations.